Challenge #5

Build CRUD D-App on solana


This guide will teach you how to create and deploy the Solana program and connect to UI for a basic on-chain phonebook dApp. This d-App will allow you to CRUD operation on Solana utilizing PDAs.

What you will learn


For this guide, you will need to have your local development environment setup with a few tools:

What we are building

We are developing a phonebook program.
In this d-App, Solana’s Program Derived Address (PDA) accounts will be utilized to

A basic phonebook contains the following information:

In this program, you will learn how to store data in a Program Derived Address (PDA) account(phone book) on Solana. Additionally, you will learn how to create a hashmap-like structure using PDAs.

This program demonstrates a one-to-many mapping between a wallet and PDAs. Each wallet can have multiple accounts mapped as PDAs.


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Setting up the project

You can set up a new project by using:

npx create-solana-dapp

This CLI command enables quick Solana dApp creation. You can find the source code here.

Now respond to the prompts as follows:

By selecting a counter for the Anchor template, a simple counter program, written in Rust using the Anchor framework, will be generated for you. Before we start editing this generated template program, let's make sure everything is working as expected:

cd phone-book 
npm install 
npm run dev

Or you can directly clone this repo and set it up locally

git clone

The Dapp accounts overview


In the above diagram, the user's wallet is responsible for creating a phonebook account. The phonebook account includes the wallet's public key, username, user mobile number, and content. The system program facilitates the creation of the user's phonebook account.

Anchor program development

If you're new to Anchor, The Anchor Book and Anchor Examples are great references to help you learn.

In phone-book, navigate to anchor/programs/phonebook/src/ There will already be template code generated in this folder. Let's delete it and start from scratch to walk through each step.

// use this import to gain access to common anchor features
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

// declare_id! **set ID field that store address for this program**

// write your business logic here
pub mod phonebook {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize(_ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {

Define states

PhoneBook account state

The state is a data structure utilized for storing information. In the Solana blockchain, since programs are stateless, the state is stored in accounts. in Solana, you can create a hashmap-like structure to organize and manage data using PDA accounts.
In Anchor, you can create an account by applying the #[account] attribute macro to the rust struct.

// use this import to gain access to common anchor features
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

// declare an id for your program

// write your business logic here
pub mod phonebook {
    use super::*;

pub struct PhoneBookState {
    pub user: Pubkey,
    pub user_name: String,
    pub user_number: String,
    pub content: String,

In the code above, PhoneBookState is a struct similar to a hashmap.
It stores:

In Solana, we must define the space for an account at the time of its creation because this required to pay rent for the storage used by the account.

let’s create the mapping between the user wallet and PhoneBookState

Create phonebook Account

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod phonebook {
    use super::*;
    /// Add data into the phonebook
     pub fn create_phone_book_entry(ctx: Context<CreatePhoneBookEntry>, content: String, user_name: String, user_number: String) -> Result<()> {
        let phone_book = &mut ctx.accounts.phone_book;

        phone_book.content = content;
        phone_book.user_name = user_name;
        phone_book.user_number = user_number;
        phone_book.user = ctx.accounts.user.key();


/// validate accounts here

#[instruction(content: String, user_name: String, user_number: String)]
pub struct CreatePhoneBookEntry<'info> {
        seeds = [user_name.as_bytes(), user.key().as_ref()],
        payer = user,
        space =  8 + std::mem::size_of::<PhoneBookState>(),
    pub phone_book: Account<'info, PhoneBookState>,

    pub user: Signer<'info>,

    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct PhoneBookState {
    pub user: Pubkey,
    pub user_name: String,
    pub user_number: String,
    pub content: String,

let’s break down to see what is happening here.
In the above code,

Instruction handler logic-

In the create_phone_book_entry function

Account creation and validation-

In the CreatePhoneBookEntry struct, you can access the instruction’s arguments with the #[instruction(..)] attribute.

Different types of constraints can be applied with the #[account(..)] attribute.

The init_if_needed constraint has the same functionality as init. However, it only runs if the account does not exist yet.

The init constraints Create the account via a CPI to the system program and initialize it (sets its account discriminator).

For this account, we use seeds user_name and user public key as hashmap keys in this PDA Account. These seeds can be user-defined or dynamically generated byte values.

This mechanism checks whether the given account is a PDA derived from the executing program, the specified seeds, and, if provided, the bump. If the bump is not provided, Anchor defaults to the canonical bump.

At this stage, we are done with

Update phonebook Account

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod phonebook {
    use super::*;
    /// update data in the phonebook
     pub fn update_phone_book_entry(
        ctx: Context<UpdatePhoneBookEntry>,
        content: String
    ) -> Result<()> {
        msg!("PhoneBook Entry Updated");
        msg!("content: {}", content);
        let phone_book = &mut ctx.accounts.phone_book;
        phone_book.content = content;

/// validate accounts here


#[instruction(content: String, user_name: String)]
pub struct UpdatePhoneBookEntry<'info> {
        seeds = [user_name.as_bytes(), user.key().as_ref()],
        realloc = 8 + 32 + 1 + 4 + content.len() + 100 + 100,
        realloc::payer = user,
        realloc::zero = true,
    pub phone_book: Account<'info, PhoneBookState>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct PhoneBookState {
    pub user: Pubkey,
    pub user_name: String,
    pub user_number: String,
    pub content: String,

In the above code,

Instruction handler logic-

In the update_phone_book_entry function

Account creation and validation-

The content string is stored in the phone_book Account. Additionally, the size of the phonebook account is updated to accommodate the new data.

Resizing data of PDA -:

The realloc constraint is used to adjust the space of a program account at the beginning of an instruction. It is specified as

#[account(realloc = <space>, realloc::payer = <target>, realloc::zero = <bool>)].

Here's how it works:

Close phonebook Account

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod phonebook {
   use super::*;
     pub fn delete_phone_book_entry(_ctx: Context<DeleteEntry>, user_name: String) -> Result<()> {
        msg!("PhoneBook entry from {} deleted", user_name);

// validate accounts

#[instruction(user_name: String)]
pub struct DeleteEntry<'info> {
        seeds = [user_name.as_bytes(), user.key().as_ref()],
        close = user,
    pub phone_book: Account<'info, PhoneBookState>,
    pub user: Signer<'info>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub struct PhoneBookState {
    pub user: Pubkey,
    pub user_name: String,
    pub user_number: String,
    pub content: String,

You can close your phonebook account by passing user_name and close constraint on #[account(close=user)]

This will Close the Phonebook Account and:

Build and deploy Anchor program

From dapp’s root run

npm run anchor build

This will build your anchor program and generate a target folder(we will use generated IDL and types for the Solana program to connect our UI to this program).

To deploy this program run

npm run anchor deploy

After this, the program will deployed to an address. Pick this program address and update this address to the following files.

At this stage, we are done with the Phonebook Solana program development.

Connecting Solana program to UI

create-solana-dapp already sets up a UI with data access and a wallet connector for you. All you need to do is simply modify it to fit your newly created program.

Since this phonebook program has three instructions, we will need components in the UI that will be able to call each of these instructions:

In your project folder open phonebook/anchor/src/phonebook-export.ts

// Here we export some useful types and functions for interacting with the Anchor program.

import { AnchorProvider, Program } from '@coral-xyz/anchor';
import { Cluster, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import idl from '../target/idl/phonebook.json';
import type { Phonebook, IDL } from '../target/types/phonebook';

// Re-export the generated IDL and type
export { Phonebook, idl, IDL };

// The programId is imported from the program IDL.
export const PHONEBOOK_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey(idl.address);

export function getPhoneBookProgram(provider: AnchorProvider) {
  return new Program(idl as Phonebook, provider);

// This is a helper function to get the program ID for the phonebook program depending on the cluster.
export function getPhoneBookProgramId(cluster: Cluster) {
  switch (cluster) {
    case 'devnet':
    case 'testnet':
      // This is the program ID for the phonebook program on devnet and testnet.
      return new PublicKey('5XRwMzzgnQcHa3mi7p1gUdCVw8ed4LEnBVExMeFcq1wv');
    case 'mainnet-beta':

In the above code,
we are importing IDL and Program types from the generated target folder. and re-exporting IDL, types, program ID and Program API.

After this setup let’s move to phonebook/web/components/phonebook/phonebook-data-access.tsx And update usePhoneBookProgram() to create a user’s Phonebook Account:

 const createPhoneBookEntry = useMutation({
    mutationKey: ['phonebook', 'createPhoneBookEntry', { cluster }], 
    mutationFn: async ({content,userName,userNumber, user}:{content:string; userName:string; userNumber:string; user:PublicKey}) => {
      const [PhonebookPda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
        [Buffer.from(userName), user.toBuffer()],

      return program.methods
        .createPhoneBookEntry(content, userName, userNumber)
        .accounts({ user: user })

    onSuccess: (signature) => {
      return accounts.refetch();

    onError: () => {
      toast.error('Failed to create entry')


in the above code,
we call our first instruction createPhoneBookEntry() to create a user’s Phonebook PDA account.

Next, update the usePhoneBookProgramAccount() function to be able to update and delete Phonebook entries:

const updatePhoneBookEntry = useMutation({
    mutationKey: ['phonebook', 'updatePhoneBookEntry', { cluster }], 
    mutationFn: async ({content,userName,userNumber, user}:{content:string; userName:string; userNumber:string; user:PublicKey}) => {
      const [PhonebookPda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
        [Buffer.from(userName), user.toBuffer()],
      return program.methods
        .updatePhoneBookEntry(content, userName, userNumber)
        .accounts({  user: user })

    onSuccess: (signature) => {
      console.log('helooooooo update')
      return accounts.refetch();

    onError: () => {
      toast.error('Failed to update entry')


  const deletePhoneBookEntry = useMutation({
    mutationKey: ['phonebook', 'deletePhoneBookEntry', { cluster, account }],
    mutationFn: async({userName}:{userName:string}) => {
      return program.methods.deletePhoneBookEntry(userName).rpc()
      onSuccess: (tx) => {
      return accounts.refetch();

Next update UI,
for this, go into phonebook/web/components/phonebook/phonebook-ui.tsx and create a UI for the Create PhoneBook button

export function PhoneBookCreate() {
  const { createPhoneBookEntry } = usePhoneBookProgram();
  const { publicKey } = useWallet();
  const [userName, setUserName] = useState("");
  const [userNumber, setuserNumber] = useState("");
  const [content, setcontent] = useState("");

  const isDataValid = userName.trim() !== "" && userNumber.trim() !== "" && content.trim() !== "";

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    if (isDataValid && publicKey) {
      createPhoneBookEntry.mutateAsync({ content, userName, userNumber, user: publicKey });

  return (
      <input className='input input-borderd rounded-lg border border-gray-300 ml-3' type='string' value={userName} onChange={(e) => setUserName(} placeholder='add user name' />
      <input className='input input-borderd rounded-lg border border-gray-300 ml-3' type='string' value={userNumber} onChange={(e) => setuserNumber(} placeholder='add user mobile number' />
      <input className='textarea textarea-borderd rounded-lg border border-gray-300 ml-3' type='string' value={content} onChange={(e) => setcontent(} placeholder='add user content' />

        className="btn btn-xs lg:btn-md btn-primary mt-3"
        disabled={createPhoneBookEntry.isPending || !isDataValid}
        Create PhoneBook {createPhoneBookEntry.isPending && '...'}

Finally, create UI for PhoneBook’s inputs and handlers

function PhoneBookCard({ account }: { account: PublicKey }) {
  const {
  } = usePhoneBookProgramAccount({ account });

  const { publicKey } = useWallet();
  const [content, setContent] = useState("");

  const userName =;
  const userNumber =;

  const isDataValid = userName?.trim() !== "" && userNumber?.trim() !== "" && content.trim() !== "";

  const handleSubmit = () => {
    if (isDataValid && publicKey && userName && userNumber) {
      updatePhoneBookEntry.mutateAsync({ content, userName, userNumber, user: publicKey });

  return accountQuery.isLoading ? (
    <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>
  ) : (
    <div className="card card-bordered border-base-300 border-4 text-neutral-content">
      <div className="card-body items-center text-center">
        <div className="space-y-6">
            className="card-title justify-center text-3xl cursor-pointer"
            onClick={() => accountQuery.refetch()}
           UserName: {}
          <p>User Mobile Number: {}</p>
          <p>PhoneBook Content: {}</p>

          <div className="card-actions justify-around">

            <textarea className='textarea textarea-bordered' value={content} onChange={(e) => setContent(} placeholder='update user content' />

              className="btn btn-xs lg:btn-md btn-primary"
              disabled={updatePhoneBookEntry.isPending || !isDataValid}
              update {updatePhoneBookEntry.isPending && '...'}


          <div className="text-center space-y-4">
              className="btn btn-xs btn-secondary btn-outline"
              onClick={() => {
                if (
                    'Are you sure you want to close this account?'
                ) {
                  return deletePhoneBookEntry.mutateAsync({userName});

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